Does Our Healthcare Show We Care?

    I would like to think that in America, everyone cares about the health of other people. Whether it's physical, mental, or emotional, I prefer to look at the good of people and the good of things. Life is too short to focus on the negativity, but I sometimes find myself struggling to see the good in America's healthcare. I have been blessed with having top healthcare my entire life from my father's job, so I have never had to experience some horrors millions of Americans can experience daily. Coming to UMich, however, opened my eyes quickly about the status of our country's healthcare. The challenges so many of us may face is indescribable and leaves my heart emptier every time I learn more. 

    At a glance, one might assume we have excellent indicators in our country because of how much of our country's GDP we spend on healthcare. Not to say that our healthcare is the worst globally, but it surely isn't where it should be. It also isn't where it can stay. The USA is a constant outlier in comparison to other "fully" developed countries: whether it is spending around double per person compared to other nations, having significantly higher maternal mortality ratios, or simply comparing average life expectancy, America continues to disappoint. It would be one thing if the amount of money we spent produced results; however, we are spending at an unsustainable rate, with little results to show for it. Yet, it would be naïve of me to say that healthcare (access, guidelines etc.) is the only contributor, when many other systemic issues hurt our country as a whole. But it plays a part and needs to be addressed. 

    In America, we frequently try to find pride in ourselves and our country. But I constantly ask myself, how much is there currently to be proud of with our healthcare? Does our current healthcare show ourselves that we honestly CARE about those in our society? These questions often leave me with doubt. But then I try focus on the good of the situation... that for around a century, expanding healthcare and improving it has been a focus of many leaders in our country. Although minimal ideas have stuck, I am still hopeful that enough people care and wish to better our country. I choose to believe that small strides will continue to be made as wins for EVERYONE in America throughout my lifetime. 
